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DeskGate Technology

40 Richards Ave 3rd Fl
06854 Norwalk

Telefon  14084147499
eMail: deskgate@mail.com

Auf der Karte zeigen
Remote Desktop IT Management Help Support Staff monitoring Data theft. Remote Desktop & IT Management System
Access user computers remotely with encrypted connections. Manage all the softwares installed on computers, control hardware inventory and monitor network traffic details.

User Activities and Controller
Increase Employee Productivity! DeskGate employee monitoring software provides you to control / manage / track and take detailed activity reports of users. Via Real-time screen monitoring feature, all the management is under your control. Track file activity reports, make sure that your important data is not being leaked by employees

Technical Support / Help Desk
Via DeskGate Ticket System, control and manage support requests and technical processes of the work.

File Backup System
In case of any disaster, (Fire, flood, earthquake,cyber attack) File Backup system provides you to restore your documents back.

Kontakt: Herr Turan Can
Durchwahl:   14084147499

Branchen: Software
Webseite: http://www.deskgate.com
Eingetragen am: 31.07.2017
Stichworte: Employee monitoring software Remote desktop user activity reports software spy
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